Motion Commercial SA

Personal Protective Equipment
Road & Parking Safety Products


Motion Commercial SA is an Importing Company dealing with the sectors of Road Safety Products and Peronal Protective Equipment, which also manufactures a variety of Road Safety Items


Motion Commercial SA is an Imporitng Comapny dealing with the sectors of Road Safety Products and Peronal Protective Equipment, which also manufactures a variety of Road Safety Items.

Our premises including our Storehouses are designed and Equiped in such a way as to give our customers immediate purchase and supply for 98% of our 6500 different items we carry in our stock program. This enables our customers to me servised immediatelly even in the case that large stocks are required.

0 +
Years of experience
Experienced staff
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Certified Products
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Satisfied Customers

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Find us at our new premises!
Leoforos Lavriou 25 - 27 Glyka Nera